
Rev. Lunar's Homepage

Memorable Quotes
Anything worth doing is worth doing badly
Do the best you can with the information that you have
Mischief is a good gateway to innovation
I'm not saying that's how it should be, I'm saying that's how it is
You don't stop playing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop playing
All models are wrong, some are useful
If there is a devil here it's people singling out minority populations and then demonizing them in the interests of their political agenda
… if nothing matters than [sic] we might as well give nothing meaning
It's what it's
Nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, everybody is going to die
póg mo thóin

Contact Me

Discord:  rev_lunar

Matrix:  @rev_lunar:matrix.org

Mastodon:  lunar@mas.to

Telegram:  @Rev_Lunar

Phone:  1-540-692-6899

Dust:  lunar

Matrix:  @rev_lunar:matrix.org

Signal:  15406926899

Telegram:  @Rev_Lunar

Wickr:  lunartiger

Wire:  @rev_lunar

Discord:  rev_lunar

Revolt:  Lunatics

Snapchat:  rev_lunar

Marco Polo:  Ryan F

Mastodon:  lunar@mas.to

Pixelfed:  lunar@gram.social

Calckey:  rev_lunar@hell.social

Clapper:  rev_lunar

Instagram:  rev_lunar

Reddit:  LunarTiger69

SpaceHey:  rev_lunar

TikTok:  rev_lunar

Tumblr:  rev-lunar

Twitch:  Rev_Lunar

Twitter:  @rev_lunar

VSCO:  rev-lunar

IMVU:  LunarTiger69

New Leaf:  7265 6552 659

Oculus:  rev_lunar

Pokemon Go:  8150 4169 4724

Rec Room:  @Rev_Lunar

SideQuest:  Rev. Lunar

Steam:  rev_lunar

Uplay:  lunartiger1965

VRChat:  Rev. Lunar

Cash App:  $revlunar

Ko-fi:  rev_lunar

Patreon:  Rev. Lunar

PayPal:  lunartiger

Revolut:  revlunar

Venmo:  @rev_lunar

Amazon Wishlist

Phone:  1-540-692-6899

YouTube:  @rev_lunar

SoundCloud:  Rev. Lunar

Spotify:  Rev. Lunar

GitHub:  LunarTiger